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Bespoke 1:1

Clean Pressured Line

& VIP in-person workshops

The expert guidance and sounding board you’ve ​been craving – to grow your business spaciously and ​build a rich, aligned life.

Group experiences are *great*, but sometimes

you just want to get in, get exactly what you need

and go implement – with real-time, 1:1 feedback.

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That’s why I offer bespoke 1:1 business mentorship and ​consulting for entrepreneurs and businesses who are ready ​to dive deep and make sh*t happen.

Private 1:1 packages and VIP days are tailored to your ​individual needs and are available by application only.

The application process helps me clarify if I can make an ​impact in your business. (And, if not, I’ll be transparent with ​you – and recommend someone who can.)

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A spacious scaling strategy

With your personality, strengths and individual goals in mind, we’ll audit ​your products and offers – and craft a sustainable growth strategy that ​allows your business to soar without sacrificing *you* (or your team).

No matter how we work together, my ​custom 1:1 support will

ensure you have...

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An authentic visibility framework

We’ll review your messaging and create a framework for you to ​communicate your gifts with the world, in a way that feels like *you*. ​Authentic, aligned and alive.

A mindset & energy upgrade

We both know our beliefs dictate our reality. We’ll audit your ​mindset and I’ll guide you to *become* the person who can have ​the life and business you want, at the next level.

The systems & psychology to serve (& sell) authentically

We’ll hone your sales mindset, finesse your understanding of your ​clients’ psychology and tweak your processes – so that ‘selling’ ​simply becomes serving, from a place of abundance and ease.

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The structures to deliver (without burning out)

We’ll assess your systems to ensure you’ve got the structures and ​automations to wow clients, while saving time and energy.

A team audit

I can help you hire the right team members at the right time – and ​support you to set and review KPIs for existing team members, so ​you can focus on what matters.

An experienced sounding board

Business ownership can be isolating and overwhelming. Having ​someone who understands and can confidently guide you to

*the right path for YOU*, is a game-changer.

When we work together 1:1, magic happens.

You’ll build next-level self trust, momentum & tangible results.

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My ‘unfair advantages’ in business become yours: my strategic vision and deep understanding of energetics and ​mindset, coupled with my strong knowledge of business structures, processes and systems, will help you ​understand the ‘rules’ of the game at the next level – so you can break them, and remake them, YOUR WAY. For a ​rich life and business that makes you feel *alive*.

Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

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But don’t take my word for it...

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My clients’ results speak for themselves.

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Jane Guy

Founder & Business Coach

Queenstown Life

I just did my biggest month ever, without any hectic launches. Kait

has helped me see the path to my business being sustainable.

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When I started 1:1 with Kait, I had all the puzzle pieces, I just didn’t ​know how to put them together in a sustainable way and didn’t see the ​path to my revenue goals without endless hustle. Having taken Kait’s ​group programs, I knew she was the one to help.

Just a few months into 1:1, I’ve had my biggest month ever, without ​even formally ‘launching’. Kait has helped me refocus on who my ideal ​client is and how to attract and serve them authentically. With her ​support, I’ve clarified my strategy and sales process, raised my prices ​to reflect my skills and completely relaxed into sales conversations. I ​feel so *good* about my business that the money has simply followed ​– just like Kait said it would – and I’ve been able to start enjoying the ​space I’ve created to enjoy my life.

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Dianna Schinella

Founder, DS Consulting

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Kait helped me overcome business burnout and build a

sustainable consulting practice that fuels me, instead of draining me.

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When I hired Kait, I wanted to create more time and space, but I was ​working so hard I didn’t have energy to look at the bigger picture. Kait ​provided the support and structure to help me free up time and energy ​(what amounted to 40 days/year of overworking – wild!), to take care of ​myself and dedicate headspace to the meaningful, sustainable business ​I wanted. Kait helped me clarify my purpose, build confidence that the ​life and business I wanted were possible for me, and make it happen.

Today, my business feels aligned with who I am. I do meaningful work ​with clients I love. I have time, energy and money to travel and spend ​with loved ones. My life looks exactly like the spacious, exciting vision I ​created with Kait when we first began working together. I’m so proud of ​what I’ve built with her guidance.

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Emma Moad

Co-Founder, Firefly Zipline

& Founder, Empwr Fractional CEO Service

Kait’s support fast tracked us – and helped us think bigger.

Now, we’ve had our first 7-figure year!

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When we started working with Kait, we’d always dreamed of selling our ​previous business and building a zipline in the heart of Melbourne. ​Kait helped us think bigger, be strategic and develop the self-belief that ​we could do it. We projected 4,000 participants at our first zipline ​event; we sold 12,000 tickets and had coverage from every major news ​outlet. Safe to say, as validation of our work with Kait, we blew it out of ​the water, and had our first 7-figure year.

This gave me the confidence to step out of day-to-day operations and, ​with Kait’s guidance, build a fractional CEO company. Kait has taught ​me how to sell to a completely new (and cold!) audience – and has ​supported me through life-changing mindset breakthroughs that allow ​me to be more visible, show up authentically and believe in myself at ​the next level.

Here’s how working together... works.

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You apply.

I’ll review your application and, ​assuming I believe I can help ​you, I’ll reach out to schedule ​an initial call for us to get to ​know one another.

We hop on a call.

We’ll clarify your goals and, ​assuming I’m confident I can ​make a difference for you, I’ll ​share how I see us working ​together – and we’ll agree on ​your next steps.

We get cracking.

We’ll set you up with your own ​Slack channel to contact me ​and my team directly, a private ​Google drive, the link to book ​your calls and any pre-work we ​determine needs to happen for ​you to hit the ground running.

A bit about me...

I’ve earned the nickname “The Rich Coach” over a decade helping thousands of ​entrepreneurs build rich, meaningful lives and businesses.

My personal journey has taught me a lot about what true richness means:

  • The idea of getting promoted to the 3am morning show as a news anchor wasn’t it
  • Doing media damage control for cabinet minister from 9-5 (and 5-9) wasn’t it
  • A decade as a full-time digital nomad, founding a 7-figure business, wasn’t it
  • Building a start-up with 15 staff and two business partners wasn’t it
  • Two years of self-imposed ‘gardening-leave’, with 4hr work weeks in my multi 6-​figure consulting practice, wasn’t it either

Two 7-figure businesses later, I’ve learned that true richness is building a life of ​choice: being able to wake up, choose what your day looks like and pursue things ​that light you up.

Today, I’m a business mentor and advisor for entrepreneurs growing al​igned,

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spacious businesses without missing out on life. My clients work with companies like Vogue, Atlantis Dubai and Lonely Planet. ​And, on average, clients stay with me for over two years – one of the highest retention rates in the industry.

Originally from Vancouver Island, Canada, I now live in my dream location next to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. I walk my dog twice a ​day on the beach, thank my chickens for fresh morning eggs, enjoy mid-morning manicures and mid-week lunches with girlfriends and ​make time for regular Pilates and personal training sessions.

My Aussie garden is a tropical oasis and, when I can’t decide which plant to choose at the nursery, I just load up the car. I never think ​twice about hopping on a flight home to Canada, ducking over to Bali (with or without out my laptop!), or attending a mastermind w​ith my own mentor in California. And, I recently married the love of my life at Port Douglas’ famous Su​gar Wharf.

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... But, getting here wasn’t smooth sailing. I made every mistake in the book:

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  • I thought working harder and doing more was the only way to get ahead
  • I believed others had the ‘right’ growth strategies and success formulas, instead of being guided to find what really worked for *me*
  • I constantly fed the content beast, but it felt inauthentic and often didn’t convert
  • I held myself back, by not asking for what I really wanted out of fear that I’d get NOs
  • I feared clients wouldn’t buy (or stay) if I increased my prices or changed my offers
  • Outsourcing gave me the cold sweats (both the $ outlay and fear of poor outcomes)
  • I didn’t have the systems and structures in place to take a break
  • My only strategy was: launch, launch, launch, grow, grow, grow. I didn’t know how to make my business sustainable and spacious, or ​to flow with the seasons of my life
  • And, I didn’t have the *right* mentors to help me create to the flexible, spacious life I wanted, away from endless hustle cultu​r​e

Ultimately, I was afraid to do things my way (and to uncover what that ‘my way’ even meant), in a world that loves to tell women who ​we should be and how we should live. In the end, I realized I only learned the rules so I could break them – and help my clients do the sam​e.

If you’re craving meaningful, high-level support, and want to explore the ​possibility of working together, I’d love to connect.

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Frequently asked questions...

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Do I need a specific income in my business to qualify?

Not necessarily. When I started my own business, I invested in my first 1:1 mentor before I’d made a single ​dollar, because I wanted to fast track my goals. Some clients are working with me to achieve their first $100k, ​while others are working on their next $500k+. Bespoke 1:1 is designed to give you the strategy and support ​to get wherever you want to go.

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Can we hop on a call to see if working together is a fit?

Absolutely. If your application is accepted, you’ll get an email booking a time for us to chat and establish a ​roadmap for your growth. Mentor-client chemistry is super important. I never agree to work with anyone ​before spending time together sussing the fit and establishing a plan.

How many sessions do your packages include?

It varies. My 1:1 packages are bespoke, based on your needs. Once your application has been

accepted​, and we’ve mapped out your next steps on a call, we’ll then determine the type and amount of support ​needed to get you there. Most of my clients work with me for 6-12 months initially and extend from the​re.


Now, to my tricks...

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As I child I wanted to be: Madonna

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My first job was: a bank teller

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Gemini sun, capricorn moon, leo rising

Human design body graph illustration
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Human Design: 2/4 profile, Manifestor

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Enneagram 3/7 (achiever/enthusiast)

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Hidden talents: green thumb, musical theatre triple threat

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Guilty pleasures: unnecessarily buttery popcorn, fantasy novels and home decor shops

Here’s to your Rich Life, without sacrifice...

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The Rich Coach


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